Children’s Summer Swim

swimChildren Summer Swim

Class Descriptions:

Water Babies (6 mos-3 yrs): Parents will learn a variety of support and holding techniques to help the child enjoy the water. Children will practice supported swim skills, breath control and water exploration through songs and games.

Pre-Begin (3-5 or older): Children who cannot submerge and cannot swim 10ft. independently. Little or no water experience. Skills included are blowing bubbles, retrieving submerged objects, assisted front & back float, front & back glides, front & back alternating arm and leg action, symmetrical back arm and leg action, changing direction, jumping into the water, calling for help and personal safety.

Begin (5 and older): Children who can already submerge and can swim 10ft. Independently or who passed Pre-Begin. Children at this level will continue with pre-begin skills developing into front crawl, back crawl and elementary backstroke. Also, included: independent floating and glides, bobbing, rhythmic breathing and simple reaching assists will be introduced.

Advanced Begin: Passed Begin or instructor approval. Enter deep water by jumping in, submerge and retrieve object in chest deep water, deep water floating on front and back, diving from a seated or kneeling position, tread water, front and back glide using two different kicks, front crawl with rotary breathing, back crawl, backstroke, and perform help and huddle position.

Intermediate: Passed Advanced Begin or instructor approval. Child will build strength and endurance while perfecting known strokes. Also included: treading water, surface dives, scissor and dolphin kicks to deep water. Personal safety includes diving safety, throwing assists and self-rescue.

The instructors reserve the right to move or place your child in the appropriate level.

SRU Waiver MUST be signed and submitted to the park office prior to the first class. Can be obtained at the park office, website, or email, or faxed (724) 794-8181

Place: Aebersold Recreation Center, SRU Campus


Resident Fee:  $23.00 Non-Resident Fee:  $27.00

SESSION I June 5-26

Code Class Time

SCS 1 Pre-Begin 5:00-5:40 p.m.
SCS 2 Begin 5:40- 6:20 p.m.
SCS 3 Advanced Begin 5:40- 6:20 p.m.
SCS 4 Intermediate 6:20 -7:00 p.m.
SCS 5 Water Babies 6:20- 6:50 p.m.

SESSION II July 10-31

Code Class Time

SCS 6 Pre-Begin 5:00-5:40 p.m.
SCS 7 Begin 5:40- 6:20 p.m.
SCS 8 Advanced Begin 5:40- 6:20 p.m.
SCS 9 Intermediate 6:20-7:00 p.m.
SCS 10 Water Babies 6:20- 6:50 p.m.

WEEKDAY CLASSES – Monday-Thursday-8 classes

Resident Fee – $45.00 Non-Resident Fee – $54.00

June 10-June 20  

Code Class Time

SCS 11 Pre-Begin 10:00-10:40 a.m
SCS 12 Begin 10:40-11:20 a.m.
SCS 13 Advanced Begin 10:40-11:20 a.m.
SCS 14 Intermediate 11:20.-12:00 p.m.

June 24-July 3 (class will be held on Friday, June 28)

Code Class Time

SCS 15 Pre-Begin 10:00-10:40 a.m
SCS 16 Begin 10:40-11:20 a.m.
SCS 17 Advanced Begin 10:40-11:20 a.m.
SCS 18 Intermediate 11:20.-12:00 p.m.

July 8-July 18

Code Class Time

SCS 15 Pre-Begin 10:00-10:40 a.m
SCS 16 Begin 10:40-11:20 a.m.
SCS 17 Advanced Begin 10:40-11:20 a.m.
SCS 18 Intermediate 11:20.-12:00 p.m.


Description: Swim lessons for all ages, skill levels and for anyone requiring special accommodations or individual instruction. More than one lesson may occur at a time. Times may vary.

Resident Fee – $55.00 Non-Resident Fee – $65.00

Wednesday Night (Choose one time slot per 4 week session):

Time Slots 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00

P1 June 5-26
P2 July 10-31


Monday-Thursday (You pick the week!!  Choose one time slot per 4 day session!!)

Time Slots

P3 June 10-13
P4 June 17-20
P5 June 24-28 (5 classes-$68.75/$81.25)
P6 June 28-July 3 (3 classes-$41.25/$48.75)
P7 July 8-11
P8 July 15-18